Electrical & Electronics Equipments » Transformer Winding Resistance Meter Back

Transformer Winding Resistance Meter is designed to measure the winding resistance of transformers, Inductors, generators and motor windings, Tap Changers Etc. It is specially designed for Highly Inductive objects like 765KV.. This is only indigenous TWRM which gives very fast readings for 3Phase Star-Delta any combination Transformers. The built in open circuit Voltage of DC Supply ensures that core of the transformer is saturated for fast measurements to be taken. Care is taken to absorb the Back emf of such transformers. For user safety, Indication for discharges is provided on front panel , if the current through winding under measurement is disturbed/discontinued. Instrument has built in 25A regulated and highly stable current source with current selection of 25Amp,10Amp,5Amp,1Amp, 0.1Amp & 0.01Amp. Instrument uses ratio-metric circuit where the resistance of specimen is compared with known internal standard and LCD display is provided for resistance measurement in micro-ohm, milliohms and in ohms. Tap changers time and Graph, OLTC Time and current Deviation in %. Heat Run Graph Test Time Vs Resistance.