Mechanical Equipments » Computerized Automatic Brinell Hardness Tester Back
'FIE' Computerized Fully Automatic Brinell Hardness Tester, Model B3000-PC-FA is fabricated from steel plates and is designed for precise loading system. It is fully automatic machine for production testing. Once the job is placed on testing table and press "Cycle Start" button. The job is raised and brought in contact with clamping device. Then indenter is swivelled and brought in vertical loading position. The loading operation starts. After preset dwelling timer, unloading operation starts. As soon as load is fully removed, the indenter is swivelled and the image is digitalized using a CCD camera fitted on machine and captured by the PC.
The diameter of indentation is measured by PC and the Brinell Hardness is displayed on monitor with the help of "State of Art" technology software. The job is lowered down and here the auto cycle is over.
Operationally the machine can be operated after a lapse of interval without operation of push button, so that operator has only to do loading and unloading of job on machine.
This tester is designed for measuring hardness of metallic parts with wide testing range from soft to hard and its accurate results are widely acclaimed.
This tester conforms to IS:2281, BS:10003 and ASTME-10.